„Racingline Turbo Muffler Delete“
MQB platformos automobiliui, naudojantiems 1,8T ir 2,0T EA888 TSI variklius su IHI IS20 arba IS38 turbokompresoriumi.
Turbo Duslintuvo Delete yra aptakus vieno ruošinio dizainas, kuris pakeičia ribojančią, galią atimančią OEM dalį. sklandus, be turbulencijos oro kelias, išeinantis iš turbo.
Ką tai daro? Standartinė dalis yra ant turbokompresoriaus išleidimo angos ir yra tiesiog skirta sumažinti variklio skyriaus akustiką. Nors jis slopina turbo generuojamus harmoninius triukšmus, jis taip pat padidina oro srautą, kur to nenorite. atkarpa su tiesia, nepertraukiama dalimi. Rezultatas: geresnis atsakas, suteikiantis šiek tiek daugiau galios, tuo pačiu išgirsdamas, kaip veikia turbo.
Racingline Turbo Muffler Delete
For MQB-platform car using the 1.8T and 2.0T EA888 TSIengines with the IHI IS20 or IS38 turbo.
The Turbo Muffler Delete is a sleek single billet design which replaces the restrictive, power-robbing OEM part with a smooth, turbulence free air path exiting the turbo.
What does it do? The standard part is located on the outlet of the turbo compressor and is simply designed to reduce engine bay acoustics. Whilst it subdues the harmonic noises generated by the turbo, it also adds in disruptive turbulence to the airflow right where you don’t want it.
By replacing the standard part with our Racingline Turbo Muffler Delete, you’ll replace this restrictive section with a straight, uninterrupted piece. The result: better boost response giving a little more power, all the while being able to actually hear your turbo working.